Monday, December 14, 2015

Not Sow Easy

What our series "Siri-ously" is all about

We ask Siri thousands of questions every day, but she can’t tell us what to do about the things that matter most.  What if there was a question that could answer just about everything?

Not Sow Easy

When we make unwise choices, they tend to lead us to wrong choices.  And when we make wrong choices, they tend to lead us to some major consequences.  But that doesn’t mean it’s all over for us.  Not only does God love us in spite of all we’ve done, but He’s provided a way out of the situation our unwise choices have brought us to.  In Galatians 6:7 Paul says Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. (NIV)  If we sowed our way into trouble with unwise choices, then God wants us to sow our way out of trouble with wise choices.  Even though God’s grace is free, there is still a process for us to get our lives back on track.

The Point 

If we sowed our way in with unwise choices, we have to sow our way out with wise choices.

At Home Suggestions

Talk with your kids about how important you think it is to make wise choices.  Tell them that when they make mistakes, you will always love them, and so will God, but that to get things back to where they want them to be takes work.

Read Galatians 6:8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. (NIV)

Ask: What does the author mean when he uses the word “flesh”?  What does this say happens when we so from our flesh?  What happens if we sow the kind of choices that please the Spirit?  Have you ever seen any examples of this?

Explain that when the Bible talks about our “flesh” it means our natural desire to sin.  If we sow sinful and unwise choices, it says we reap destruction – there is always a consequence.  However, if we make choices that would please the Spirit there are positive rewards instead of negative consequences

Pray that when mistakes are made, your family would be willing to do the hard work of sowing your way back out.

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