What our series "Siri-ously" is all about
We ask Siri thousands of questions every day, but she can’t
tell us what to do about the things that matter most. What if there was a question that could
answer just about everything?
It’s Not Wrong, but…
We already know what we should do when something is “wrong,”
we shouldn’t do it. But there is a vast
collection of things that aren’t technically wrong, but that just aren’t very wise. This is why asking “what’s
the wise thing?” helps us make better choices consistently, because more often
than not big regrets follow a series of amoral, yet unwise, choices.
1 Corinthians 10:23 encourages us to do only
that which is beneficial, even though more options are allowed. And for teenagers, some guidance from their
parents and a small group leader can really help.
The Point: Asking "what's the wise thing?" helps us choose only the paths that make us stronger
At Home Suggestions
Talk with your teens about your willingness to help them
make wise choices. Explain to them that
the more you can trust them to be wise, the fewer rules you have to make for
them. This may turn on a light bulb in
your Middle Schooler!
Proverbs 13:10 Arrogance leads to
nothing but strife, but wisdom is gained by those who take advice. (HCSB)
Ask: What is arrogance?
What is strife? Why do those
things go hand in hand? According to
this verse, where does wisdom come from?
How have you seen either of these two things play out in real life?
Explain that arrogance is pride, belief that you have it all
together. Strife is conflict,
contention, and pain. If we never listen
to good advice, it eventually leads to difficulty. But if we listen to those who offer me Godly
advice, we gain wisdom.
Pray that everyone in your family would be willing to listen
to godly advice so that you can all make wise choices.